Town of Sharon Planning Board

Meeting Minutes of 6/6/07

Amended and approved on June 20th, 2007



Planning Board Attendees

Eli Hauser - Chair

Paul Lauenstein

Arnold Cohen – Vice Chair

Susan Price

Amanda Sloan – Clerk



Peter O’Cain, Assistant Town Engineer, Consultant - Absent



Bob Shelmerdine – Intoccia

Helen Pavlong - Intoccia

Ed Welch – Horizons for Reuse Committee



Meeting Initiation

The meeting was called to order at 7:35 PM by Chair Eli Hauser.


Mr. Hauser read the Chair’s Report.


Form A

Mr. Robert Shelmerdine, Attorney for Michael Intoccia, presented a Form A to the Board regarding the property on Old Post Road. The Board also received a letter from Eric Hooper, Superintendent of Public Works, stating that the Form A plan for 121, 133 and 135 Old Post Road has been reviewed and found to be in compliance with the requirements of the Land Subdivision Rules and Regulations of the Town of Sharon 2001 (Section 3.1.2), CMR 250-6.00, the requirements of Article 7 Board of Health regulations and the Zoning Bylaws of the Town of Sharon. Mr. Cohen moved to endorse the plan of Old Post Road Realty Trust dated 5/23/07 as not requiring approval under the subdivision control law, and approved subject to verification and issuance of a letter from the Town Engineer or Supervisor of Public Works, under section of the subdivision control regulations and plan be held pending issuance of such letter. Mrs. Price seconded the motion and the Board voted 5-0-0 in favor.


­­­Bond Reduction

The developer of the Eisenhower Extension subdivision requested that the performance bond for the Eisenhower Extension subdivision be reduced by $5,000 to $112,000.


Mr. Cohen moved to recommend the reduction of the surety bond for Eisenhower Extension to $112,000 which is a reduction of $5,000 as per Peter O’Cain’s memo dated May 11, 2007. Mr. Lauenstein seconded the motion and the Board voted 5-0-0 in favor. Mr. Cohen moved to authorize Peter O’Cain, Assistant Town Engineer, as agent for the Board to sign the bond reduction for Eisenhower Extension. Mr. Lauenstein seconded the motion and the Board voted 5-0-0 in favor.


Other Business

Ed Welch, Chair of the Horizons for Reuse Committee, asked the Planning Board if they were open to the possibility to use Kendall Fund monies to hire a planner to evaluate the reuse of the property. They want to evaluate the short and long term use as well as options for summer camps, Boy Scouts, etc. The function of the planner would be to listen to Town ideas, the 14 member Reuse Board and to facilitate dialogue.


Mr. Lauenstein stated there have recently been two suggested uses for the Kendall funds: the economic development study for five thousand dollars and inclusionary zoning. Mr. Hauser stated that funds for the inclusionary zoning consultant can come from the operating budget.  Ms. Sloan said that she would probably support the use of the Kendall Funds for the Reuse Committee but would like to understand the cap of the dollars to be asked for. Ms. Sloan also asked if the Planning Board could have a chance to participate in the planner interviews and could they meet with the Planning Board. The Planning Board let Mr. Welch know that they would be open to endorsing the proposal depending on the dollars needed.


The Board discussed the proposed Shape Factor Bylaw and what caused its defeat. They discussed alternative methods to approach the topic during next Town Meeting. It was determined it needed to be more easily explainable. Mr. Cohen suggested looking at what other towns used. Mr. Hauser explained that the objections included not understanding the precedents from other towns, the concern about people’s property rights, and the concern about how the ratios in the bylaw were derived.  In addition, the benefits and Board’s concerns were not clearly presented.


Mr. Lauenstein spoke with Mr. Houston regarding his helping to draft the Inclusionary Zoning Bylaws. He provided a proposal of $4,400 plus expenses.



Election of Officers for the Planning Board was held.


Mr. Cohen nominated Mr. Hauser as Chair of the Planning Board. The Board voted 4-0-1 in favor.

Mr. Hauser abstained.


Mr. Hauser nominated Mr. Cohen as Vice-Chair of the Planning Board. The Board voted 4-0-1 in favor. Mr. Cohen abstained.


Mr. Cohen nominated Susan Price to be Clerk of the Board. Ms. Sloan seconded the motion. The Board voted 4-0-1. Mrs. Price abstained.


Meeting Minutes


The Board discussed that two articles for the November Town Meeting will be presented. These include Shape Factor and Inclusionary Zoning. The Board will also lay out the calendar for the summer during the next meeting. The next meeting is scheduled for June 20th, 2007.


Mr. Cohen moved to adjourn the meeting at 10:30 PM and Mr. Lauenstein seconded the motion. The Board voted 5-0-0 in favor.